The latest inspection from Ofsted rated us as a school which “requires improvement”.
Inspectors found that:
- Pupils at Whinney Banks Primary School are safe and happy. This is because staff care for and support them well.
- In most areas of learning, knowledge and skills are well ordered from nursery to Year 6. It is clear how new learning connects to what pupils have learned before.
- Teachers ensure activities are interesting and help pupils remember what they have learned. This helps pupils to develop new knowledge.
- Pupils know that bullying is not tolerated. They respect each other.
- Leaders provide pupils with a wide range of opportunities to develop their character.
- Most pupils behave well in lessons.
- Children in early years, learn from a well-planned curriculum in most areas.
- Children in the two-year-old group get off to a good start.
- Pupils enjoy the variety of clubs, residential visits and activities that staff organise for them.
Here are some of the areas that inspectors identified which need to be better. These are outlined below:
- Some pupils who struggle to read, including older pupils with SEND, do not learn to read quickly enough.
- In Key Stage 2, leaders do not ensure that all pupils, including some pupils with SEND, access the curriculum in English and mathematics in depth.
- Some pupils’ knowledge of British values and of different faiths is not well developed.
- In the early years, leaders have not made clear the language and communication skills children need to learn.
To view our Latest Ofsted report, please click here