Tel: 01642 817713 Head Teacher: Mrs S Thorpe Email: SEND Coordinator: Mrs N Watson & Mrs V Wales Chair of Governors: Mr. M Pottinger Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mrs S Thorpe & Mrs V Wales

Whinneybanks Primary School

British Values

At Whinney Banks Primary we uphold and teach pupils about British Values defined as:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
  • Mutual respect
  • Individual liberty

These values are taught explicitly through Personal, Social, Health and Emotional Education (PSHE), and Religious Education (RE).  We also teach British Values through planning and delivering a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum.

We take opportunities to actively promote British Values through assemblies, our curriculum and whole school behaviour systems.

British values are encapsulated in our ethos, our school values and our vision.


Ethos in every classroom supports children expressing their preferences and making democratic decisions e.g. which book to read, what grouping to choose.

Pupil Voice surveys inform school improvement actions e.g. reading, attitudes to learning.

Pupils have the opportunity to have their voices heard through our Pupil Forum (class representatives may be voted for) and Pupil Leadership teams e.g. Science Ambassadors, Sports Crew and HeadStarters.

The Rule of Law

Pupils learn about acceptable behaviours. They are helped to learn to manage their behaviour and take responsibility for their actions.  Staff are committed to providing a consistent and known, settled environment within the school and beyond. We help pupils to understand the connection between actions and consequences and we are committed to praising children’s efforts for consistently good behaviour. As a result, our environment promotes the optimum conditions for learning to take place.

Our curriculum teaches children about the importance of staying within agreed boundaries and the consequences of breaking these boundaries (Foundation Stage PSED Managing Feelings and Behaviour, history, RE and PSHE curriculum including the Citizenship programme ‘Stepping Up’ in Y6). Visits from authorities such as the police and fire service promote an understanding of the job and role of those with responsibility in the community.

Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

At WBPS each person is respected and valued equally without regard to ability, gender, faith, heritage or race. Cultural appreciation and the development of cultural capital is part of our curriculum. We place great emphasis on providing encounters and participation in events and celebrations to broaden all pupils’ experiences and awareness of others in areas such as: friendships, helping others and celebrations from a range of faiths and world events.

We enhance the children’s understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society by giving them opportunities to experience it.  We also make links within our RE curriculum, visiting different places of worship and studying different religious festivals. Our RE curriculum teaches children in school about the beliefs and practices of different faiths and emphasises the necessity to be accepting and open to systems and practices that are different to their own. Children learn about different countries, cultures and traditions through our geography, history and PSHE curriculum.

Mutual Respect

Respect and responsibility are values that determine how we live as a community at WBPS. Children learn that behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others. 

We promote inclusion through a range of activities, settings and locations. The children visit other schools to participate in sporting events as well as community events.

Children are taught to identify and challenge prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour through our curriculum e.g. ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ project and the ethos that underpins all we do.

Individual Liberty

Our ethos supports children to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence and this is embedded in our school vision and values.

Pupils are encouraged to become good and valued citizens.  As a school we provide boundaries for our children to make choices safely.  Pupils are encouraged to take responsibility for their actions, know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms safely e.g. through online safety teaching.

We offer a number of clubs which pupils have the freedom to sign up for.

We support others by participating in charitable events such as Red Nose Day/Comic Relief and Children in Need. We believe that by engendering a caring and helpful environment and by providing opportunities for pupils to be independent, we can boost and nurture healthy self-esteem.

We take pride in our learning, our choices and our role in the Whinney Banks community.

British Values in Whinney Banks EYFS

British Values Knowledge Organiser

Whole School British Values Display

Whinneybanks Primary School Tower Clock

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