Tel: 01642 817713 Head Teacher: Mrs S Thorpe Email: SEND Coordinator: Mrs N Watson & Mrs V Wales Chair of Governors: Mrs L Green

Whinneybanks Primary School


At Whinney Banks Primary School PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) education embraces all areas of our curriculum.

We provide a PSHE curriculum that provides every pupil within our setting with the knowledge and skills to keep themselves happy, healthy and safe, as well as to prepare them for life and work so that they can look forward to a successful, enjoyable and independent life. Through the delivery of our bespoke PSHE curriculum, we endeavour to ensure that children transition to secondary and post 16 education equipped with the necessary attitudes, values, emotional intelligence, and skills needed to play an active role in society and to thrive now and in the future.    

It is our intention that PSHE education within our school helps pupils prepare for all the transitions, challenges, decisions and responsibilities that they may encounter in their future.

Incorporated within our PSHE curriculum are all the aspects of SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural), Citizenship, British Values, as well as the statutory content of the RHSE (Relationships, Health, Sex Education) programme of study.

At Whinney Banks Primary School, our whole school approach aims to create an enjoyable, focused and kind environment where children can grow into successful learners, who fulfil their own potential whilst achieving the highest possible academic standards that they can. We recognise the importance of positive mental health and aim to provide an environment that promotes this for every member of our school community including, pupils, staff and families.

Also, beginning in 2023, as a whole school we introduced ‘Zones of Regulation’. At Whinney Banks Primary we recognise the importance of feelings and emotions. Pupils progress through school hearing the common language that is part of the ‘Zones of Regulation’ curriculum. This language is used to express their own ideas and to help them understand others in an empathetic way. They learn to recognise their own feelings, triggers and learn ways to self-regulate and co-regulate.

The lessons delivered in school are supported all by our recently developed school values which consist of: be brave, be kind, be strong, be proud and aim high. The children are all becoming familiar with the meaning of these values and how believing in them and attempting to conduct themselves in this way directly impacts life within school.         

Additionally, pupils in Year 5 learn economic wellbeing and Year 6 complete the ‘Stepping-up’ programme. This varied unit of work specifically looks at community awareness, vandalism, democracy, cultural influences, rule of law, drug awareness crime, stereotyping, racism and issues related to the LGBTQ community.

Relationships Health and Sex Education

From January 2021, Relationships and Health and Sex Education became a statutory requirement in primary schools. Children at Whinney Banks Primary School learn the skills to help them establish and maintain healthy friendships and family relationships. They also learn to recognise the signs of a troubled relationship which may result in them feeling unsafe or uncomfortable and how to navigate their way through this difficult time. The curriculum emphasises the importance of mental and physical well-being and the importance of communication in times of stress.

Alongside Relationships Education, at Whinney Banks Primary School we deliver lessons about health and hygiene, which includes puberty. The children learn about how their body parts change as they grow from birth through to adolescents. They will also learn some of the elements of the reproductive system.

Whinneybanks Primary School Tower Clock

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