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Tel: 01642 817713 Head Teacher: Mrs S Thorpe Email: SEND Coordinator: Mrs N Watson & Mrs V Wales Chair of Governors: Mr. M Pottinger Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mrs S Thorpe & Mrs V Wales

Whinneybanks Primary School

Physical Education

Our aim at Whinney Banks is to provide all children with high quality physical education which will inspire them to continue to take part in a form of physical activity or exercise throughout their teenage and adult years. Our intent is to provide regular opportunities to improve their health, physical fitness and specific sports skills. We implement this through one hour of sport & skills-based PE lessons and one hour of fitness related PE sessions each week in KS1 and KS2. EYFS is structured slightly differently to allow them to build into the KS1/KS2 structure. Our school sports coach works alongside class teachers in every year group from N-Y6 to upskill teacher knowledge and provide extra support where necessary. We also provide lunch/after school clubs which target specific sports or specific children. These clubs can prepare children for upcoming sports events and competitions or target children who would benefit from additional PE. Within these clubs and events, we have built relationships within our local community including: Whinney Banks Football club, The Acorn Centre, Acklam Grange Secondary School, Grangetown Netball Club, Middlesbrough Cricket Club, Middlesbrough Rugby Club and the Municipal Golf Club. The impact of our PE and links with the community/external clubs ensures that our children are offered multiple opportunities to be physically fit and healthy people, along with introducing them to different ways to extend their participation in sport within the wider community.

PE Whole School Overview

Whinneybanks Primary School Tower Clock